Thursday, September 24, 2009

Map of this mornings 8 miler.


8 Miles

I raced the sun and I won! Ran 8 miles this morning along the river this morning in my VFFs. Felt like I could have run 100, but I must have been dragging my gimp ass left leg a little because I think I got a blister. it didn't look bad, so hopefully it is just a little tender and I won't have a shoe full of water after work.

I signed up for an introduction class to ChiRunning for this Saturday. I am very excited about it because I am still getting a little soreness in my calves which means I am not fully relaxed. I hope to learn a few things to take with me on my runs.

I also signed up to run the Half Marathon on Thanksgiving day, so now I have a goal to shoot for before the ING Marathon in March.

Monday, September 14, 2009

27 Weeks Out

Ran 7.5 Miles on Sunday which was my longest run in over 15 years. It felt great and my legs feel great today. 27 weeks to go.